Welcome to our Community Health Worker Training Area!

The mission of our program is to empower Community Health Workers to educate individuals with diabetes to understand and overcome common healthcare barriers. Our vision is to provide accessible training and support to equip Community Health Workers. Here you can find the training program we use, download PowerPoint presentations, and curriculum used in our program.

All materials (publications, PowerPoint presentations, videos and notes) can be used free of charge when used for educational purposes and our webpage is appropriately recognized/credited.


¡Bienvenido a nuestra área de entrenamiento de Promotores de Salud!

La mision de nuestro programa es habilitar a los Promotores de Salud para ayudar a los individuos con diabetes a entender y superar barreras comunes de cuidado de salud.  Nuestra vision es proveer entrenamiento y apoyo para equipara los Promotores de Salud.  Aquí podrá encontrar y descargar las presentaciones de PowerPoint, y el currículo utilizado en nuestro progama.

Todos los materiales (publicaciones, presentaciones de PowerPoint, videos y notas) se pueden usar libre de costo si son usados para propósitos educacionales y mientras nuestra página de web sea debidamente reconocida/acreditada.


Previous Community Health Worker led programs we have offered


T.I.M.E. Program in English

This program was developed to teach about Diabetes Management through in-person monthly meetings.  We include the curriculum and all the PowerPoint presentation shared with the group in English.

SIMPLE Program in English

This program was developed to teach Diabetes Management to patients that are unable to meet in person.  We include all the videos, curriculum and PowerPoint presentations in English.


Tipos de Programas lideradospor  Promotres de Salud que hemos ofrecido en la comunidad

Contact Us/Contáctenos
